Latest Test for Emergency-Clear Model

We recently asked H.P.White to carry out some testing to an Emergency-Clear model with 50cal BMG Ball

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Weapon-Clear Range

Weapon-Clear Clearing Barrels

Mililtary & Law Enforcement Sales
John Greene

1/F. No.48B Leung Fai Tin
Lower Road, Sai Kung, HongKong
HongKong / Singapore
Telephone: +852 23580761
Fax: +852 23580694
Mobile Phone: +852 91906071
Information: Mailing Address:

TST PO Box 98663,
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,
Hong Kong

Mililtary & Law Enforcement Sales is a sole distributor of Weapon-Clear Range in the following Asian Countries:

  • HongKong
  • Singapore

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