Latest Test for Emergency-Clear Model

We recently asked H.P.White to carry out some testing to an Emergency-Clear model with 50cal BMG Ball

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Weapon-Clear Range

Weapon-Clear Clearing Barrels

MilPolice Equipment was formed in 2001 to manufacture ultra high specification bullet resistant products. With a concentration on R&D; we have to date produced a range of secure rooms, panic rooms and bullet resistant windows and doors.

Weapon-Clear was developed to provide a safe and effective solution to the issue of loading and unloading firearms!

We have since 2001 provided the most effective and indeed become the most popular weapon clearing system covering the full range of small arms.

Since 2001 we have worked with those who protect and walk in harms way – We hope perhaps we have saved injury or indeed perhaps saved a life?

That’s why we go to work each day!


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